Joseph, Faith & Eve

Christmas Play

>> Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Since we were in Albuquerque this fall, Joseph and Faith had the opportunity to be in a Christmas Pageant at church. They are both so outgoing and I knew that they'd love to do this! I'm really not sure if they enjoyed it more or if I did... This was such a good experience for us!

Joseph played King Herod and Faith was a villager from Bethlehem who helped the Wise Men find the baby. They both had several lines and they did really great! They also learned songs and dances with the whole group. All of it was so much fun!


Faith Day 2014

>> Saturday, November 22, 2014

Every year, on November 21st, we celebrate the day that Faith came into our family. Some people call it "Adoption Day" or "Gotcha Day." We call call it "Faith Day!"

This year we got to celebrate Faith Day in Albuquerque! We started the day out by going to get donuts with just the four of us! Faith had to have a pink donut with sprinkles!


Jojo's 7th Birthday

>> Monday, September 15, 2014

Joseph had such a fun birthday in America! We actually got to celebrate a few times, which made it extra special! Once he got to open presents with Grandma & Grampa, once with just our family, and once with friends and Nammy & Papa's at Chuck-E-Cheese's!


Photo Book

>> Thursday, August 21, 2014

I just finished working on a photo book for Joseph and Faith of their last 3 years in the Middle East. It's been so good for me to reflect on our time here. Joseph and Faith are blessed with a lot of great memories and good friends!

Create a gorgeous, high quality wedding photo album at


Lip Sync Contest

>> Friday, June 20, 2014

Last week we went to a Lip Sync Contest. Joseph and Faith loved participating! They practiced their songs for a week ahead of time. Faith's song was "Let It Go" from Frozen and Joseph's song was "Everything Is Awesome" from The Lego Movie.


Faith's Preschool Graduation

>> Friday, June 13, 2014

On Thursday, June 5th, Faith graduated from preschool!

A few weeks ago they took this picture of her in a cap & gown. The sash she's wearing says, "Congratulations on graduating from the Little Dears Preschool." She's holding her certificate.

Last year Joseph graduated from the same preschool. They had a simple graduation ceremony at the preschool for his class. But this year they held the graduation in a party hall.  Below you can see pictures & videos from her graduation ceremony.


Riding on 2 wheels!!!

>> Saturday, May 17, 2014

It has been fun to watch Joseph go from struggling with his bike to LOVING riding his bike! He has learned how to ride without his training wheels and we're so proud of him!!

What a joy to celebrate this milestone in his life!


Jojo Day 2014

>> Wednesday, April 30, 2014

This year on April 28th we celebrated 6 years since Joseph joined our family. We call this day "Jojo Day!" It's always so sweet to look back and see how God has blessed our family with such a great boy!


>> Friday, February 14, 2014

Here's another comparison photo. We have some friends who live in the same apartment we lived in when Faith was a baby. Just being there brings back so many memories. This is a picture by the front door.


Faith's 5th Birthday

>> Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Faith turned five years old on January 4th!

She was really blessed this year to have her Nammy & Papa here to celebrate with her!

She also got several different celebrations this year because the Christmas Reading had to be scheduled on her actual birthday. The day after her birthday was her big party at her school!!


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