Joseph, Faith & Eve

Preschool Happenings

>> Friday, October 5, 2012

Joseph and Faith love school! It's such a joy to hear them say, "I love school, Mommy!" They wear uniforms three days a week and "sports clothes" on the other two days. One day they came home with a note that said they should wear "party clothes" on Thursday, since they were having a party. Here they are in their party clothes.

Of course they were excited about a party, who isn't? They came home that day full of sugar, but very happy! It was a special day for the preschool.


Fun at the Beach

Last week we decided to pack sandwiches and go to the beach. We brought snacks and sand toys to share! Even though we live on an island we have to drive 45 minutes to get to a beach. It was a fun time.

I couldn't help but compare this beach time to previous years when our kids were younger. Now Joseph is one of the oldest kids and they're swimming out farther in the water! It's fun to watch them grow up!


swimming weather

It's cooling off a little here in the Middle East...enough to go swimming again! There were a couple of months that were just too hot to go swimming. The water temperature had risen to where it wasn't refreshing to be swimming.

Joseph and Faith love swimming and it's so much fun to watch them continue to improve in their swimming abilities! Faith loves wearing her swimming suit without floaties, but she's not quite confident to swim without help. She watches Joseph swimming all over the pool, though, and wants to be able to do what he does!

Enjoy some of our swimming pictures below...


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