Joseph, Faith & Eve

Quiet Time

>> Monday, November 8, 2010

 Most days we have a quiet time. The kids are learning to sit quietly and look at books. It's a great time for me to read and pray too!

Joseph has done this a lot longer than Faith, so he's pretty good at it. Unless, that is, if his sweet little sister bats her eyes at him and cuddles up next to him. Then he thinks it's time to play! (so does she)


doctor visits

>> Tuesday, November 2, 2010

 Recently we've taken a few trips to the doctor for various reasons. The kids have been troopers putting up with things like getting their blood taken. They loved getting stickers when it was over and they walked out with smiles on their faces!


holding hands

Joseph and Faith have enjoyed holding hands lately! Sometimes they hold hands and walk around the house just for fun. I love it when we're getting ready to go and Joseph says, "Faith hold my hand because cars are dangerous!" Aww!! He's such a good brother.


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