Joseph, Faith & Eve

Joseph's 9th Birthday

>> Monday, September 5, 2016

Joseph had his 9th birthday on September 4th. I'm really not sure how it happened, but we have a 9 year old in our house now! I can't believe it's his last year in the single digits!

This year we decided that we would celebrate birthdays with just our family. Last year we did bigger birthday parties because we had such a big transition with adding Eve to our family.


Eve's First Birthday!

>> Saturday, April 16, 2016

A year ago, on April 13th, our tiny baby girl was born. This year has flown by! It's hard to believe our baby is already one year old. 

We had a good time celebrating Eve Gloria's life. She's a blessing to our family. Our family has changed so much since she was born. She makes our life more full. 


Faith's 7th Birthday!!

>> Saturday, January 9, 2016

Faith turned 7 years old on January 4th. She's such a special part of our family and it was so much fun to celebrate her birthday. She's grown up so much over the last year especially with her new role as a big sister. She's such a blessing and we couldn't be more thankful for her!


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