Joseph, Faith & Eve

Faith Day Slideshow

>> Thursday, November 24, 2011

Yesterday we had a bunch of friends over to celebrate Faith Day! I wish you all could have joined us to celebrate this wonderful girl! We had ice cream sundaes with treasured friends...what a blessing!

I made a slideshow of Faith. Here it is, I hope you enjoy it: 


Traveling Quotes

>> Sunday, November 13, 2011

We're traveling right now and it's been fun to hear the Joseph and Faith's thoughts and questions! Here are a few of their quotes the last few days:

"Mommy, will you hold me for five days?" - Joseph
"Where did our new house went?" - Faith
"Is this hotel our house?" - Joseph
"Can I go to Emmet's house?" - Faith
"Dear God, help Grandma to have a good trip" - Faith (I think she thinks everyone is traveling when she is traveling)
"Where am I from? Africa? America?" - Joseph
"Where are we?" -Joseph
"I want to call Aunt Karla." -Faith


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