Joseph, Faith & Eve

outdoor fun

>> Sunday, May 26, 2013

The days have been pretty hot lately, but the evenings are still cool enough to be outside. We've had some fun times outside during this time! One day we found a really great park! We didn't even know it existed and it's very close to us!


Random Preschool Post

It seems that there's been a lot happening at the preschool lately. They've been learning a lot and having lots of special days  too! They've had field trips and party days...most of it I don't have pictures of. bummer.

Joseph's teacher started a chat group with all of the mom's of the boys in his class. That's been fun! She'll post pictures sometimes!

Faith's teacher has gotten sick and had to leave, so they have a sub for the rest of the year. It doesn't seem to bother Faith at all. She's got so many friends, that's the best part for her!


New Cats!

>> Friday, May 17, 2013

Aunt Melissa got new kittens and we were so excited to meet them!

I talked with the kids before we got there about how to be gentle with them since they're still new and they're babies. They did a pretty good job! There was one time that they did something to make Faith laugh really hard! (He laugh can be really loud.) It made the kittens scared and they ran off! haha!!

Here's a few pictures and one video of the kids and the kittens.


Jojo Day!

>> Monday, May 6, 2013

April 28th is Jojo Day! It's the date that we officially had Joseph in our arms. We took him from the orphanage and he was no longer an orphan! That is the date that our lives changed forever! We were no longer just the two of us. We became a family of three. What a ride it has been! We are so amazed at what a blessing this boy has been and continues to be! His personality is so much fun. He keeps us entertained at all times.

This year we celebrated 5 years with him! Five wonderful years with my favorite boy!


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