Joseph, Faith & Eve

Christmas Morning

>> Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas morning was a special time for our little family. It was the first time that we have had a Christmas with just the four of us. The previous two Christmases were in the States, which was also a special time!

The kids were so excited that it was Jesus' birthday. We explained to them that since His birthday is EXTRA special, we all get to open presents! They were so happy!


Winter Wonderland at the Mall

The other day we went to the mall to play in the snow. That's the only place that we can find snow around here!! They actually had a real snow machine! It was fun for the kids and for us!


Preschool before Christmas

>> Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The other day we went to the English Institute where Tim works. Joseph was so excited to get to write on these huge white boards! He's been learning how to write a few of his letters. In this picture he was practicing his M!

I've really loved watching Joseph learn in preschool! He is totally into it and loves to learn! I just feel so blessed that I get to do this with him. :)


Riding Bikes

 Joseph's Grandma and Grampa sent money to buy Joseph a bike for his birthday in September. Between moving, traveling, and very hot days...he ended up getting it at the end of November.

He feels like such a big kid! Sometimes he gets frustrated, but he's learning to ride. I can't wait to see him take off those training wheels!! 


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