Joseph, Faith & Eve

D is for Dinosaurs

>> Thursday, January 26, 2012

Preschool is a fun time for all of us! This week we were working on D for Dinosaur! It was fun to talk about how God created dinosaurs and then pretend to be scientists digging up the dinosaur bones. We also made Dinosaur tracks with plastic dinosaurs and paint!

The kids are starting to sound words out with the letters they've learned! It's really fun to watch them learn these pre-reading skills!


Proud of Joseph!

This is going to be one of those posts where I get to brag on my son a little bit... I'm so proud of Joseph!! He has been learning a lot in preschool and working really hard! It's been a lot of fun to join him in this. I love being with him during the school lesson time!!

A few weeks ago he was really struggling with writing his name. So, he and I worked and worked on it. We worked on it a little each day. Now he's doing it on his own!! He's so proud of himself!


extra cooks in the kitchen

Lately I've been having to relearn how to cook. It used to be something that I did by myself. A time to work and listen to music. It was nice to have some time alone to think. But, this has all changed. Joseph and Faith have suddenly become really interested in cooking. They want to be big helpers! Sometimes it's so much fun. It takes a lot longer to do anything. But I can't resist them...they're too cute!

I know that I need to treasure this time with them because it seems to go by fast. One day they won't be begging me to put on the aprons Grandma made them. So, even though it takes longer to cook...I'm enjoying it! 


Faith's new friend

>> Monday, January 23, 2012

One of my new Arab friends has a sweet daughter who is a little younger than Faith. It's so cute to see them playing together. Faith speaks to her friend in English and then her friend responds in Arabic! The other day when they were at our house the girls played dress cute!


Happy Birthday Faith!!

>> Friday, January 6, 2012

Faith turned 3 years old on January 4th! She was so excited about her birthday party. I loved hearing her talk about how her friends were going to come celebrate her birthday!! She was most excited about everyone singing "Happy Birthday" and getting to blow out her own candles.

This girl keeps getting more and more fun! She has a wonderful personality. It's fun to listen to her thoughts and watch her play.


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