Joseph, Faith & Eve

Christmas Play

>> Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Since we were in Albuquerque this fall, Joseph and Faith had the opportunity to be in a Christmas Pageant at church. They are both so outgoing and I knew that they'd love to do this! I'm really not sure if they enjoyed it more or if I did... This was such a good experience for us!

Joseph played King Herod and Faith was a villager from Bethlehem who helped the Wise Men find the baby. They both had several lines and they did really great! They also learned songs and dances with the whole group. All of it was so much fun!

 They performed the play two nights in a row. Both nights, Joseph and Faith were blessed to have people come watch! Nammy & Papa (Tim's parents) came the first night!
Here's a pic of King Herod on his throne.
Joseph and Faith both LOVED the songs and the dance moves for each song. I'm sure we'll be singing and dancing these moves for Christmas the next few years!
One of Faith's favorite parts was the very end when they bowed and everyone clapped for them!
Here's a picture of Joseph and his friend Seth, who played one of the Wise Men.
It was really special for the Horlbeck family to come to the play!

Uncle Nate and Aunt Marilyn also came to watch the play the first night. How blessed we are to have family come support us!
The second night of performances was also special because Grandma & Grampa (Jeni's parents) flew in from Denver to see the show!

Here's a few fun videos of the kids' performances:

Rockin Baby Jesus from Tim and Jeni Saltzman on Vimeo.

Jojo's Scene in Christmas Play from Tim and Jeni Saltzman on Vimeo.

Faith's Scene in the Christmas Play from Tim and Jeni Saltzman on Vimeo.


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