Joseph, Faith & Eve

Dancing Pics

>> Saturday, August 25, 2012

Joseph and Faith love to watch SYTYCD (So You Think You Can Dance) with us! Faith says, "Mommy, can we watch 'So We Think We Can Dance'?" They love to try to do the dance moves with the's fun to watch!

School Uniforms

>> Wednesday, August 15, 2012

One of the things we needed to do to get ready for school was go to the tailor and get Joseph's and Faith's uniforms made. When I registered them at the local preschool, I paid for uniforms. I thought it was pretty cheap for a uniform and then I realized that I only bought the fabric.

This was a new experience for me. I had to take the fabric to the tailor to make the uniforms. Thankfully I've been to the tailor a few times lately, but I still didn't know which style to ask for. Joseph's was easy, but Faith's was more difficult. I am still hoping that I chose the right style for hers.

Olympic Friday

>> Sunday, August 5, 2012

On Friday I got to teach the kids at Friday School. (We have church on Friday mornings.) I used the Olympics to point the kids to the Bible!

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