Joseph, Faith & Eve

Jojo Day!

>> Monday, May 6, 2013

April 28th is Jojo Day! It's the date that we officially had Joseph in our arms. We took him from the orphanage and he was no longer an orphan! That is the date that our lives changed forever! We were no longer just the two of us. We became a family of three. What a ride it has been! We are so amazed at what a blessing this boy has been and continues to be! His personality is so much fun. He keeps us entertained at all times.

This year we celebrated 5 years with him! Five wonderful years with my favorite boy!

From the very beginning of April, when we turned the page on the calendar, Joseph had been excited about this day! He saw his name written on April 28th and started making plans right away.

He told us that we would go to The Lagoon, which has become our tradition for Jojo Day & Faith Day over the last couple of years! Each day he would change his mind about what flavor he wanted in his coke.
Here they are all dressed up in their Ethiopian clothes! Aww!
On our way to The Lagoon they were excited!

He was excited about taking some pictures. It's part of our tradition. I wasn't feeling good so I didn't have the energy to take lots of pictures, but we got a few.
As soon as we were finished taking pictures they were ready to go play! They climbed trees and ran around while we sat with the adults and talked! It was fun for all of us!
Here we are looking at the menu together. He wanted to order his own meal. He's getting so big!
He decided on chocolate flavoring. Here he is enjoying his chocolate coke!

Faith had fun too! She loves ketchup with her french fries!

Every year I have to send 12 pictures of Joseph to Ethiopia. They also want me to write about how he's developing and growing. It's something I enjoy doing! It's fun to reflect on how much he's growing and changing.

I love this boy! I can't believe we've already had FIVE years with him!


Anonymous,  May 7, 2013 at 11:42 AM  

My favorite little JoJo!!! We were so happy to come celebrate JoJo with you guys! We LOVE him!!!

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