Joseph, Faith & Eve

Another tooth is gone!

>> Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Joseph lost his second tooth the same day as the Easter Reading. We were all exhausted that evening. The kids went to bed and I laid down on the couch. I was surprised when he got up after he was down for the night. He came out and brought me his tooth! I couldn't believe it! His first adult tooth came in and pushed his second baby tooth out.

I shouldn't be surprised that the first two teeth that he lost are the two bottom front teeth! Those were the first ones to come in. I'll never forget how cute he was when we came back to Ethiopia to bring him home and those two teeth had come in!

Sometimes I just want to cry...time just seems to pass so quickly!

Here's what he looked like that more tooth is gone! I feel like it has changed the way he looks! He's becoming a bigger kid. 


Anonymous,  April 23, 2013 at 10:00 PM  

Awwww! What a little cutie!! He is growing up way too fast!

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