Joseph, Faith & Eve

Random Feb/Mar pics

>> Thursday, April 18, 2013

This is a pic of the kids' first face painting experience! So fun!

This is a pic of the first time that Faith wrote her name in Arabic!! She did an excellent job...I was surprised and happy! This is what it's supposed to look like: إيمان
Faith has been writing her name in English for a while. She writes her letters in the right order, but she doesn't put them on the page in the right sequence...I think it's cute!
Faith and a classmate at the park one afternoon.
Joseph also played with a bunch of his classmates at the park!
Here's a pic of Faith playing at the park with a couple of her classmates! So fun!
working on homework together
Faith learned this letter at school.
Faith brought home a picture of her with her class. She loves naming each of the girls in the picture! 


Anonymous,  April 20, 2013 at 8:36 AM  

They are so lucky to get to go to a local school! They are learning so much! I'm glad they are making friends!

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