Joseph, Faith & Eve

Random Preschool Post

>> Sunday, May 26, 2013

It seems that there's been a lot happening at the preschool lately. They've been learning a lot and having lots of special days  too! They've had field trips and party days...most of it I don't have pictures of. bummer.

Joseph's teacher started a chat group with all of the mom's of the boys in his class. That's been fun! She'll post pictures sometimes!

Faith's teacher has gotten sick and had to leave, so they have a sub for the rest of the year. It doesn't seem to bother Faith at all. She's got so many friends, that's the best part for her!

This is how I say good bye to them as they climb out of the car. Actually a lot of times I walk inside and greet their teaches, but Joseph and Faith are quickly having fun with their friends so I just get a wave. I'm thankful that they're happy to be there with their friends!
Before it got too hot we would walk to school some days, but now it's just too hot.
Here's a fun picture of Joseph being silly in line with his class! He's always full of fun!
I liked this picture of his class. All boys...kinda crazy!
Here's a picture that Joseph's teacher sent me of Joseph at the board. I'm not sure what he's pointing at exactly...This is when they were learning the letter that sounds like the English K.
Here's another fun pic of his class making boats. This was one of the pics that Joseph's teacher posted to the chat group!

One day the preschool had a traditional day at school. The kids were supposed to dress up in traditional clothes! I thought they were so cute!
Here's a picture I snapped of Faith and a couple of her friends in traditional dresses! Aww! 


Anonymous,  May 26, 2013 at 11:22 PM  

That's so sweet they are enjoying school! Were those really all boys in Joseph's class? That one kid has long hair!! hehhe!

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