Joseph, Faith & Eve

Starting Homeschool

>> Thursday, August 22, 2013

We have officially finished our second week of homeschooling!! It's definitely been an adjustment for all of us, but it's been so good! We're all enjoying learning!

Joseph is doing kindergarten at homeschool and Faith will be going to preschool again this year. So, she's been coming in and out of our schooling time. It's fun to see that they're both learning! 

I have missed teaching, so I've been looking forward to this! I guess I didn't realize how much I'd really enjoy it. I feel so blessed to be able to do this! We start our day with prayer (something I didn't get to do as a classroom teacher) and both kids want to pray! I have finished prayer time with tears in my eyes a few times now. They have such a simple faith I love to hear them ask God for help! He's been good to us!
Here's a few pictures from our first couple of weeks of school:

The kids were eager to do some painting!! In this picture they're painting dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were part of our discussion about creation.
Today we painted pictures of hot air balloons! It was fun to explain to them about how hot air balloons work. They're so excited to go to the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta this year!!
Faith doesn't do all of the activities, sometimes she just watches. Here she is "watching." She also loves to add her input! ;)
Any time we do a writing activity Faith wants to be involved. She takes it seriously. I figure that there's no harm in letting her practice writing her name and the letters.
Joseph is a good little kindergartner! He's coming at things with a different angle. He had gotten so comfortable with Arabic that it's an adjustment to focus on English. A few times as he's writing letters, he has compared them to Arabic letters!
A couple days ago, Joseph hit a big milestone! He read his first book all by himself!!! He did great, I'm so proud of him!
He was so excited that he read this book that he began dancing around, saying, "I read my first book!!"
Joseph has really enjoyed math time so far! He's a quick learner!
I loved this picture! They were listening to a story and following a long in the book. Listening is such an important skill and I'm glad they're doing so well with it!


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