Joseph, Faith & Eve

Faith turned 4

>> Sunday, January 6, 2013

Faith's birthday was on January 4th and we were all so excited to be celebrating this precious girl! She's our little princess and she has been such a blessing in our family in so many ways!

We had everyone over to our house for lunch that day! Faith was so excited that it was her turn to have her birthday. I still can't believe she turned 4!

Belle is her favorite princess and she had asked me to make a Belle cake for her. She also got to wear a special shirt with Belle!

Here's a picture of Faith and me with her bestie! These two are really close! They're fun to watch together!
We played "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" for the first time. The kids enjoyed it!
Here's a fun picture of all the kids around the table.

Faith wanted to pray to thank God before we ate lunch. Here's a quick video of her praying. She's such a sweet girl!

Here were the three princesses of the party eating their pizza!

Melissa didn't mind holding Baby Eviana.
These three loved using stamps and an ink pad on the paper we covered the table with!
Judah also liked coloring on the table!

After we played a game and ate lunch we enjoyed watching Faith open her presents! She was excited about having an audience watch her.

Here's some more pictures of Faith opening her presents:

Here's the whole group of kids. It's tradition to take a group pic at the birthday parties!

Here is Faith's Belle cake that she had been asking me to make for months! She was pretty excited about it!
Here she is blowing out the candles. She seems so grown up here.

Here's our family picture with the Belle birthday cake!

Later that night we took Faith to Build-A-Bear like we did for Joseph. She has been looking forward to her turn! She got a pink bear and named her Pinkie! Fun memories!


Rachel January 23, 2013 at 7:52 AM  

What a fun birthday party for Faith. She is a little princess! The cake turned out great!! Happy 4th Birthday Faith.

Anonymous,  January 24, 2013 at 2:45 AM  

Yay! Faith is 4! We had fun at the party and Jeni you did a great job on the cake!!

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